

Application Specific Sequencing

A method for ordering transactions within an application to optimize functionality and achieve a specific use case.

Bad Debt

Occurs when a user's collateral value falls below the amount required to cover a user's outstanding loans.


Refers to incentivizing governance participants, such as veCVE holders, to vote in favor of specific gauge emissions that benefit the briber.

Close Factor (cFactor)

The % amount of a debt position that can be "closed" (repaid) on liquidation. This value scales between the "Base" rate (configured by Curvance Collective) up to 100% on a hard liquidation.


An asset pledged by a borrower to secure a loan. If the borrower defaults, the collateral can be used to recover the owed debt.

Collateral Caps

Collateral caps are limits set which determine the maximum amount of a specific asset that can be supplied as collateral. These caps are designed to manage risk by restricting protocol overexposure to any single asset.

Collateral Requirement

The premium of excess collateral required to avoid triggering a soft or hard liquidation. Part of the formula in the Curvance Dynamic Liquidation Engine.

Collateralization Ratio

Defines the maximum borrowing threshold for each asset, reflecting its specific risk profile. Assets with lower risk have higher collateralization ratios. Part of the formula in the Curvance Dynamic Liquidation Engine.

Curvance Collective

Refers to active veCVE holders who participate in Curvance DAO governance.


The Curvance protocol's native token, which can be locked into veCVE.

Dual Oracle System

A key component of the Curvance platform’s infrastructure which compares two separate oracle price feeds for each asset, ensuring accurate pricing and safeguarding against manipulation and volatility.

Dynamic Interest Rates

Refers to the Curvance platform's interest rates, which adjust in real-time based on market demand within each lending pool.

Emergency Unlock

The only way to unlock veCVE early, subject to a penalty that redistributes forfeited tokens to the DAO treasury.


ERC-4337 is a standard for smart accounts that enables account abstraction. This standard enhances application-specific sequencing for liquidation auctions and OEV capture.


ERC-4626 is a tokenized vault standard in DeFi designed to enhance interoperability and efficiency for yield-bearing assets. Curvance's native vaults leverage this standard to streamline deposits, auto-compound rewards, and integrate seamlessly with other protocols for maximum capital efficiency.


When users deposit assets into Curvance as lenders, they receive a proportionate amount of eTokens (earn tokens), representing their share in the lending pool.

Hard Liquidation

Full liquidation with a high penalty if the Health Factor is critically low, meaning Curvance can shed risk faster than other lending protocols in times of high volatility.

Health Factor

A numerical representation of the safety of a user's collateralized position. It measures how close a position is to being liquidated.


The fee borrowers pay to lenders for accessing funds

Liquidation Factor (lFactor)

The % skew between a soft liquidation and a hard liquidation. This value controls the effective cFactor and liquidation incentive for a user liquidation. A lFactor of 0% indicates a base soft liquidation, an lFactor of 100% indicates a hard liquidation. Anywhere inbetween blends the effective rates.

Liquidation Fee

The penalty the protocol takes from a user's collateral during a liquidation. Part of the formula in the Curvance Dynamic Liquidation Engine.

Liquidation Incentive

The liquidator's incentive to liquidate a user position. Part of the formula in the Curvance Dynamic Liquidation Engine.

Loan to Value (LTV)

Percentage used to represent the relationship between the amount of a loan (debt) and the value of the collateral backing it. It is a key metric for determining how much a user can borrow against their deposited collateral.


A strategy in which a user deposits a collateral asset and borrows funds to purchase more of an asset.

Multichain Fee Distribution

Curvance's pro-rata distribution of fees to veCVE holders, allowing them to share in protocol revenue generated across all chains.

Multichain Gauge

Curvance's governance model enabling veCVE holders to vote on distribution of native incentives to any supported pool on any chain, addressing the prevalent issue of siloed governance in traditional gauge systems.

Multichain Lock Migration

The ability for users to transfer their veCVE across supported chains at any time during the lock period.


A service that provides smart contracts with access to external data such as price feeds of assets.

Orderflow Auctions

A decentralized offchain auction system for "selling" the opportunity to liquidate user positions inside the Curvance Protocol.


When users deposit tokens into the Curvance Protocol, they receive a proportionate amount of pTokens (position tokens), representing their share in the managed vault. Earned yield is automatically compounded, increasing the user’s overall position over time.

Socalized Bad Debt

Spreading potential shortfalls across the entire lender market. This equitable approach reduces individual exposure, prevents bad debt accumulation, and strengthens the market's overall stability.

Soft Liquidation

A partial liquidation occurs with a small penalty, preserving more of the user's collateral compared to traditional full liquidation designs.

Utilization Rate

The percentage of available liquidity in a lending or liquidity pool that is actively being borrowed or used. Pool utilization is part of the formula when dynamic interest rates are calculated.


Where users can deposit assets to benefit from auto-compounding, ecosystem/partner incentives, and Curvance's native gauge emissions. Additionally, users can collateralize their positions within these vaults.


Vote-escrowed CVE (veCVE) enables users to participate in DAO voting, receive platform revenue, and direct native gauge emissions.

Wormhole Standard Relayer

A decentralized crosschain transaction execution service. Allows users to move tokens from one chain to another once their desired transaction instructions is processed by the Wormhole Guardian Network.

Wormhole Queries

A decentralized data querying service. Consults the Wormhole Guardian Network to validate data points across many different chains simultaneously.

Last updated