Interest Rates
Compensating lenders for their liquidity inside Curvance
Dynamic Interest Rates on Curvance
Interest rates within the platform are dynamic, adjusting in real-time to meet market demand within each lending pool. Inspired by models like Fraxlend, Rari, and Kashi, Curvance’s rates are determined by factors including pool utilization, usage multiplier, and time decay, ensuring stability and flexibility as conditions change.
Interest Rate Adjustments
Pool Utilization: This metric reflects the proportion of total funds in a lending pool actively borrowed by users. A higher pool utilization rate indicates that a larger portion of the pool’s funds are being borrowed, while a lower rate shows more lending capacity.
Interest Rate Dynamics: As pool utilization increases and nears maximum capacity, interest rates progressively rise, significantly beyond a set “vertex point.” This vertex point serves as a threshold where rates begin to accelerate, responding dynamically to increased demand and incentivizing liquidity supply.
Time Decay: Interest rates adjust with a gradual decay over regular intervals (currently set to every 4 hours). If utilization drops below the target rate, the vertex multiplier lowers, leading to a decrease in rates to maintain stability.
Example Scenario:
Initial State: A lending pool contains 1,000,000 USDC, of which 800,000 USDC is borrowed, resulting in an 80% utilization rate with an interest rate of 2%.
Surge in Utilization: If a large borrower enters and takes an additional 200,000 USDC, pushing utilization to 100%, the interest rate rises significantly due to exceeding the 85% vertex point. In this scenario, rates increase to 8%, which then double every 4 hours until utilization decreases.
This dynamic adjustment encourages borrowers to consider repayment while incentivizing suppliers to add more USDC to the pool, helping balance demand and maintain liquidity. The system’s responsiveness promotes an equilibrium within the lending ecosystem, supporting stability and addressing the evolving needs of the protocol users.
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